In Gifted Hands, Carson writes that after reading that the examination papers for his psychology class, which he calls "Perceptions 301," had “inadvertently burned,” he went to take a makeup exam along with about 150 of his peers. It really says something horrendous about their investigative abilities.” “I would have thought they would have crackerjack research teams. “Their research teams are not very good,” Carson said over the phone. Meanwhile, Carson suggested on Sunday that the Journal owed him an apology and, reached by BuzzFeed News on Monday, he was again critical of the paper. “To my knowledge we didn’t send anyone over to cover the story,” he added, noting that the Daily News had partly written the story to clarify that the issue of the Record posing as the Daily News was not, in fact, the Daily News. Lew Schwartz, the author of the Yale Daily News article mentioning the prank, told BuzzFeed News on Monday that he had not personally witnessed the exam and had reported it because “I guess we had heard that some folks had showed up.” Some also noted that the prank did not sound out of the ordinary for the Record. No one besides Bakal could remember the incident, but a number had not been involved with the Record during that school year, or were only loosely involved. (The school’s archives end in 1969 and don’t pick up again until the late 1970s.)īuzzFeed News spoke to more than a dozen people listed on the Record masthead in 1969 - the year prior to the alleged hoax. In one article, the Record informed students that their exams had been destroyed and they needed to redo them.Ĭopies of the 1970 edition of the Record are not available at Yale’s library, an official told BuzzFeed News. The Yale Daily News article describes an edition of the Record that was a total parody of the Yale Daily News, complete with fake articles meant to sound serious. Over the weekend, Carson produced a link to a Yale Daily News account of the hoax. “We got a room to do the test in and one of us from the Record impersonated a proctor to give the test,” he said. Professor so-and-so is going to give a makeup exam.’” “We did a mock parody of the Yale Daily News during the exam period in January 1970, and in this parody we had a box that said: ‘So-and-so section of the exam has been lost in a fire. “When I read about the story in the Wall Street Journal, I immediately said, to my wife and friend, ‘That was the prank we played at the Record! And Ben Carson was in the class,’” said Bakal, who noted he wasn’t actually present during the taking of the fake test. In an interview with BuzzFeed News on Monday, Curtis Bakal, an editorial assistant at the satirical Yale Record who says he helped write the fake test, said he was “99% certain the way Carson remembers it is correct.” The incident has been the subject of media coverage in recent days, after the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday that it found no evidence to support Carson’s claim that he was a victim of a hoax that led him to take a fake psychology test, as he wrote in his 1990 autobiography, Gifted Hands. Ben Carson wrote about in an autobiography.

A former staff member of the Yale Record says that he recalls many of the details of a prank that Dr.